The Natural Highlight Placement Mini-Course!

Are you tired of overfoiling and complicated highlight techniques that don't give you the natural look your clients crave?

Are you ready to learn how to do a FULL natural highlight with as little as 20 to 30 foils!?

🌼 Dive into my game-changing Natural Highlight Placement Mini-Course and discover:

  1. Quick Techniques: Say goodbye to the million foil march and hours of intricate weaving and sectioning. Learn my streamlined method to achieve a full highlight in record time!
  2. Effortless Natural Blends: Unlock the art of creating a seamless, sun-kissed look without overfoiling.
  3. Customizable Results: Every client is unique. This course teaches you how to tailor your highlights to each individual, ensuring a bespoke natural result every time.

💇‍♀️ Whether you're a newbie seeking foundational skills or a seasoned stylist looking to up your game, this mini-course is designed for YOU.

Why Choose This Course?

  • 🔍 Close-up Demonstrations: Get detailed, step-by-step visual guides in real time. Nothing over-edited or over-cut!
  • 💡 Expert Tips & Tricks: Get industry secrets that most stylists aren't even aware of.
  • 📚 Comprehensive Materials: From headsheets to reference images, I've got you covered.
  • 🌐 24/7 Access for 30 Days: Learn at your own pace, anytime, anywhere for 30 days!

Don't let outdated techniques hold you back. Elevate your craft and impress your clients with a full head natural highlights with 20 to 30 foils max!


  • 30 Day Access to a full, detailed course on how to achieve customizable natural looking highlights. Watch as many times as you like!
  • Natural Highlight Placement Headsheet + Blank Headsheets to make your own!
  • Special discounts on my favorite tools to help you get started.


After checkout, you will be able to log into the portal and instantly view the video tutorial and download the headsheets for 30 days.

Print or save any PDFs to your files.


This is a digital product available for 30 DAYS OF INSTANT EDUCATIONAL CONTENT. No physical items will be shipped. There are no refunds due to the nature of digital items.


This mini-course is for your personal use only and may NOT be sold or shared. You do not have exclusive rights to this template and design. Purchase does not include copyright.

 © Mirella Manelli Education 2023. For personal use only, not to be copied, distributed, altered or sold.

All rights reserved.

What People Are Saying:

Loved this!! You make everything so clear. Thank you for sharing ❤️

Cindy M.

$19.99 USD


This is a digital product available for 30 DAYS OF INSTANT EDUCATIONAL CONTENT. No physical items will be shipped. There are no refunds due to the nature of digital items.



This mini-course is for your personal use only and may NOT be sold or shared. You do not have exclusive rights to this template and design. Purchase does not include copyright.

 © Mirella Manelli Education 2023. For personal use only, not to be copied, distributed, altered or sold.

All rights reserved.